When you engage in SDM with your health care provider, you share your goals and preferences, and provide input on what you want your treatment for ulcerative colitis (UC) to look like. While your provider may be an expert in the area, you are the expert of how UC impacts you and what is most important to you.
What does SDM look like?
What are the benefits of SDM?
Better understanding of UC and treatment
Increased satisfaction
Improved adherence to treatment
We choose therapies that are for mild disease, moderate disease, or severe disease, and we talk about what the risks and the benefits are. So, a lot of it is conversation. A lot of it is education. A lot of it is homework and then coming back and saying, “Okay. Here are some options. And why don’t you do a little bit of reading and come back and ask some questions? And we can decide together.” Christina Ha, MD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles, CA